Easy Integration

Copy, paste and run! Easy integration CLI commands.


Run the following commands below for different installation options, they should be run inside the root of your kernel source directory.

Latest release (Stable)

curl -LSs "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rifsxd/KernelSU-Next/next/kernel/setup.sh" | bash -

Next branch (dev)

curl -LSs "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rifsxd/KernelSU-Next/next/kernel/setup.sh" | bash -s next

Specific tag

curl -LSs "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rifsxd/KernelSU-Next/next/kernel/setup.sh" | bash -s v1.0.3

Next-SuSFS branch (Stable)

curl -LSs "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rifsxd/KernelSU-Next/next-susfs/kernel/setup.sh" | bash -s next-susfs

Next-SuSFS branch (dev)

curl -LSs "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rifsxd/KernelSU-Next/next-susfs/kernel/setup.sh" | bash -s next-susfs-dev